Objective: Design an app that helps users keep up eco-friendly habits in their everyday lives.
Many people want to be mindful about their impact on our planet but struggle to know what they can do or how to make a habit of it. Mindful app helps users keep track of their progress.
My role: Designer

I began the design process by conducting secondary research to better understand the sustainability field and how users can create habits from these findings.
Topic Research
After looking through articles and blogs about ways individuals can be more eco-friendly I broke it down into 3 simple categories:
1. Energy
2. Water
3. Waste
These categories would then break down into simple tasks the user could select based on what is possible for them.
For example a simple task like deleting emails would belong in the energy category as this act helps empty cloud storage which requires energy.
The target audience would be both adults and teenagers who are in control over their environment. Research shows young people are more proactive in becoming eco-friendly.

Market Research
I conducted a competitive analysis on existing eco-friendly apps as well as other habit tracking apps in the health and wellness category. The market for eco-friendly habit tracking is young as there are not many direct competitors. In order to learn more about apps with similar features I conducted a heuristic evaluation.
Heuristic Evaluation
I selected two apps for this evaluation as one is a direct competitor and the other is a leader in the habit tracking industry.

Areas of focus were:
- aesthetic and design
- feedback to the user
- efficiency and ease of use
Ranking system for evaluation:
Positive - results in a beneficial effect on the user’s ability to perform their given task.
Minor issue - hinders the user’s ability to navigate and should be fixed when possible.
Major issue - frustrates or confuses users and requires repair as soon as possible.
eco-friendly tasks app

Positive Findings :
Aesthetic and design - a clean look with focus on essentials.
Negative Findings :
Feedback to the users - feedback lacked a sense of accomplishment and could have used more visual data after the user completed a task — minor issue
Efficiency and ease of use - one selection screen did not lead anywhere when asked to make a selection and there seemed to be a learning curve on which buttons led to 'completed actions' — major issue
habit tracking app

Positive Findings :
Aesthetic and design - a clean look with focus on essentials. color coding helped differentiate categories and actions.
Feedback to the user - simple interactions to complete a task. visual data of task completion adds sense of accomplishment.
Efficiency and ease of use - a short tutorial was provided to help users understand how to complete a task which was easy to recall.
Negative Findings :
Efficiency and ease of use - over advertising of pro version caused frustration and made app difficult to navigate — minor issue
After my research insights and competitive analysis I started planning the structure of the app itself which would be simple to navigate and provide clear feedback every time the user completed a task.


early sketches and ideations for the overall layout and feel.

I adapted elements from my sketches to create a wireframe for overall screens.

while working on the prototype I created all the UI components necessary for the final design